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Resolutive conditions are an important issue. You will if buyer does not automatically create a re solutive condition. For example, to a resolutive condition for funding, you must state this when making your offer. It is important that the parties also agree on the additional agreements and resolutive conditions before the deed is drawn up. Besides the previously mentioned points are usually some additional appointments in the purchase agreement. Think of the penalty clause if either party fails to fulfill its obligations.
When there is a consumer a house is purchased determines the Sale of Immovable Property Act that a sale is only closed when writing. Until a deed was drawn up and signed by both parties, there is no legal sale.
Once the seller and the buyer have signed the deed and the buyer (and possibly the notary) a copy of the instrument has received, for the private buyer enters the statutory cooling in operation. Within this reflection, the buyer to cancel the purchase of a home. Does the buyer during the cooling off period on the purchase, finances around and also provide any other conditions precedent no longer an obstacle, then the agreed completion date of the transfer to take place at the notary.
The reflection takes (at least) three days starting on the day following the day that the buyer (by both parties) signed certificate or a copy there of gets handed. The cooling-off period ends at midnight of the last day of the grace period. It is not important what time the buyer a copy of the document received
"buyer's costs" (kk) means that the buyer pays the costs of the transfer of the property accounts for. The "buyers costs" is about 10% of the purchase price. Among th e buyers costs include the following costs:
- Transfer Tax;
- Notary fees for drafting the deed of transfer;
- Land Registry Fees for registration deed of transfer.
In addition to these costs, the buyer must also take account of:
- Notary fees for drafting the mortgage;
- Land Registry Fees for mortgage registration.
The costs are not the buyer brokerage fees. If a seller is an estate agent to sell his / her property then the seller will have to pay costs of this agent. If the buyer is an estate agent for the purchase of a property, the buyer will pay the costs of this agency must pay.
Banken hanteren strakke spelregels voor de verstrekking van nieuwe hypotheken. Deze zijn opgenomen in de Gedragscode Hypothecaire Financieringen (GHF) in combinatie met ministriële regelingen. Welke regels zijn dat en wat mag u lenen?
Naast de inkomenseis telt voor geldverstrekkers ook de 'marktwaarde' van de woning. De geldverstrekker bepaalt wat die marktwaarde precies is. Dat kan zijn:
- De koopprijs van de woning
- De koop-/aanneemsom, eventueel vermeerderd met grondprijs, bouwkosten, meerwerk, bouwrente en aansluiten nutsvoorzieningen
- De getaxeerde waarde, eventueel na verbouw
Voor een bestaande woning mag u in 2014 maximaal 104% van de marktwaarde lenen (eventueel na verbouwing).
In 2018 mag de maximale hypotheek niet meer hoger zijn dan de marktwaarde van de woning (100%). Daarom wordt vanaf 2013 de maximale hypotheek in zes gelijke stappen van 1% verlaagd. U zult dus in de toekomst de bijkomende kosten steeds meer zelf moeten betalen.
When buying a new house is such an option is common. When purchasing an existing home is often erroneously the term 'option' is used. Then it has the meaning of certain commitments that selling broker can do to an interested buyer during the negotiation. Such a commitment might mean that an interested buyer for a few days to think about getting a bid. The broker will in the meantime try not to another party to enter into negotiations. The interested buyer can use this time to a better understanding of mean funding or uses of the property.
An option can not demand, the seller and selling broker to decide whether a given negotiation commitments.
Sometimes the seller and buyer a number of less important matters, "movable property" for example, only to negotiate when they talk about the principal issues. In such a case, the court may provide that if the parties can not agree side issues, now they are on their own sometimes indicated as the principal, must continue to negotiate until a reasonable result is achieved on the side issues.